An elegant way of creating greener, healthier urban living environments
Urban Foliage emerged from the vision of a young horticulture engineer / designer who is constantly dreaming up new ways to invite nature into our lives. Urban Foliage fosters wellness, happiness and health by bringing greenery, aesthetic pleasure and air purification into our living space.
Two years of research of development led to the elaboration of the GREEN MODULE - a patent-pending versatile new medium which will change the landscape - literally - of interior design.
The Green Module can be planted with a variety plants of your choice; they can take on custom shapes and sizes to be incorporated into your designs. As a designer, you can view the green module as an innovative new medium to add to your repertoire - to provide a positively vibrant, living, and green aspect to your designs for your clientele. Now more than ever, customers are seeking to bring green and positive energy into their lives.
An example of a Green Module application is the LIVING FRAME by Urban Foliage. This award-winning design is the first of its kind in North America.
The impeccable quality and endless customizable possibilities of the Green Module place it among the most prestigious sustainable products in the industry. By including the Green Modules into your designs, or by customizing the Living Frames, you are communicating a green and sustainable message to your discerning customers.
Urban Foliage is currently establishing an exclusive network of Interior Designers, Interior Landscapers and Furniture Designers who share our green vision and understand the mass potential of our products. If you would like to incorporate the Green Modules and Living Frames into your designs, please contact us!