Celsia Florist


Celsia Florist is a family owned business set in the heart of Kitsilano. Our vintage and modern style mixes new ideas with timeless design – resulting in something truly beautiful. We specialise in unique floral designs, and gorgeous planters for indoor and outdoor. www.celsiaflorist.com\r\n\r\nHours of operation:\r\n

  • Mon-Fri: 9am- 5.30pm
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  • Sat: 11am- 5.30pm
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  • Sat: 11am- 5pm
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\r\nCelsia Florist\r\n\r\n1930 Arbutus St\r\nVancouver BC\r\n\r\nToll Free : 1-888-623-5742.\r\nPhone : 604-731-3314\r\n\r\ninfo@celsiaflorist.com\r\n\r\n
