For over 3 decades Thomas Hobbs Florist has gained the reputation as Vancouver’s prestige florist. Our customers not only love to come into our majestic store on West 41st Avenue but also call us or order online both locally and from all over the world. We look forward to continuing to provide the magic and beauty of amazing floral and plant arrangements, a unique and wonderful atmosphere and exceptional service well into the future. Please visit\r\n\r\nHours of operation:\r\n
\r\nThomas Hobbs Florist\r\n\r\n2127 W. 41st Ave.,\r\n\r\nVancouver\r\n\r\nPhone: 604.263.2601\r\nToll free: 800.663.2601\r\nFax: 604.263.0822\r\n\r\n