Urban Foliage is proud to announce its recent involvement with Projects in Place Society. We are very excited about this collaboration and look forward to teaming up on new projects with such an innovative organization. Urban Foliage and PIPS will be sharing ideas and expertise to shape unique green urban spaces that reflect our common vision of a sustainable and greener city.\r\n
The Projects in Place Society is a volunteer-run non-profit society that brings young designers, trades people and other construction professionals together to design and implement projects that make communities better.
Projects in Place helps people not just imagine, but build greener neighbourhoods and stronger communities through design and build projects that demonstrate environmental and social sustainability. By taking clients through a process from vision to construction their clients gain deeper understanding of the role design and construction can play in improving our daily lives.
Through volunteer builds each project is completed for far less than it might otherwise cost. This model has allowed Projects in Place to complete a variety of community improvement projects including green roofs, living walls, playgrounds and urban farms.
\r\nInterested in learning how to apply green technologies to your home or business? Passionate about a project you think would benefit your neighbourhood? Or just interested in helping design, build and maintain innovative green technologies? Please visit; http://projectsinplace.org/\r\n\r\n